Protect and Preserve Our Freedoms
Take The Pledge
At My Freedom Pledge (MFP), you can pledge personally and secretly or make it on our website publicly or discreetly. We only ask that you take the pledge seriously and to heart. Our founders risked everything to give us this great nation and to bring freedom to the world. A candle and a personal pledge are the keys to saving it. The pledge is as follows:
I will support those who fight for freedom in whatever way I can. I will resist the encroachment of Progressivism. I will do all I can to ensure “The Great Reset” or “New World Order” never gets implemented.
My Freedom Pledge is a promise we make to ourselves and our fellow patriots that we will not be complacent, that we will not sit idly by while this country collapses from within, and that we will learn, get involved, and stand with others who do the same.
My Freedom Pledge is an organization of freedom-loving people who have decided to unite and do whatever we can to preserve/restore our inalienable and constitutional freedoms.
This site aims to raise awareness of the dangers to this country, where the threats are coming from, and how those threats might best be mitigated.
My Freedom Pledge (MFP) will utilize billboards, social media, yard signs, vehicle cling stickers, word of mouth, email campaigns, and, of course, candles as the primary means of advertising.